Продукти за spiriliotis greece (2)

Tribulus Terrestris 650 - Добавка за хранене

Tribulus Terrestris 650 - Добавка за хранене

Caractéristique : Le stress, l’âge, les exigences de la vie moderne peuvent influencer la vitalité de l’homme mûr. Tribulus terrestris 650 est constitué d’un extrait de Tribulus terrestris riche en saponines. Tribulus terrestris est une plante vivace tropicale utilisée depuis longtemps en tradition chinoise et ayurvédique. Composition : 650 mg d’extrait sec de Tribulus terrestris contenant 260 mg de saponines.
Пигменти - Торф

Пигменти - Торф

Liquid and powdered fertilizers, sowing seed NATURAL OXIDES: yellow, red, brown, black BISTER SYNTHETIC IRON OXIDES: yellow, red, brown, black DRAGON PIGMENTS: red, yellow, blue, green, grey A pigment is a substance that has the capacity of colouring a certain carrier (cement, plaster, synthetic fibres, paint, …). Contrary to dyes, pigments are insoluble. Therefore, pigments remain under the form of small particles and will just be dispersed in the carrier and so colouring the carrier. The colouring capacity of the pigment depends on the fineness of the particles composing the pigment. In general we can say that the finer the particles are, the higher the colouring capacity of the pigment will be. A pigment is only suitable for certain applications. The pigment shouldn’t react with the carrier. Moreover, the pigment shouldn’t oxidize under influence of oxygen in the air and shouldn’t lose its colour under influence of sunlight (UV).